An Insta - Documentary Series
The Challenge: What Next? Is an Insta - documentary series, which presents some perspectives on a story that really happened and reveals the face of Israeli democracy in our daily lives.The purpose of the series is to hold a discussion on the nature of Israeli democracy through real stories that stimulate identification, and to raise awareness of the dangers and distortions of the current situation. The series is aimed at a young audience, especially high school students.
Approach: Transmedia:
Collaboration with the Israeli Institute of Democracy.
A high school curriculum that teaches citizenship in a way that is appropriate for today's youth.
Social Media tagging #what_next #מה_יהיה_הסוף
This or that? A web game that invites viewers to choose the character they most identify with.
Outcomes: The Instagram channel with the first movie uploaded to the story
Project Partners: Michal Arieli, Muhammad Easa, Vered Bachar