Who Am I
I am an impact-oriented designer who seeks to lead innovation processes to create life-changing products. I find the field of service design, CX and UXI fascinating and strive to deepen and expand my experiences, learning and creativity in the field.
My experience as an entrepreneur who has designed bags, jewelry, scenery, outfits, websites and more has taught me to reinvent myself over and over again. My inner desire to move and change has also led me to a master in 'integrated design' (2018). There I was exposed for the first time to the methodology of design thinking, fell in love and decided it was my next thing.
Since 2020, I have been using my interdisciplinary experience and innovative design tools to tackle challenges in customer experience, user experience and service design. I am always ready for the next new challenge, I would love to meet and collaborate.
What I Do
CX Research
In deep interviews (top down/bottom up)
Journey mapping
Personas characterization
Strategic recommendations
Design of service processes
Facilitator of workshops
Design Sprint
Design Thinking
Practical Innovation
Lean UX
Mapping usage scenarios
User interviews
Personas characterization
Content and architecture strategy
Wireframes & Prototype
Mobile & desktop design
Design thinking workshop Facilitator / Discouers
September 22, Tel Aviv
CHANGE MANAGEMENT FOR ORGANIZATIONS: Drive strategic results and leading change through leadership alignment, stakeholder engagement, culture assessment, communication and training / UDEMY
August 21, Online
Design Sprint workshop Facilitating / RED
June 21, Tel Aviv
UX /UI design course / Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), the Department of Visual Communication
2019-2020, Holon
Master in Integrated Design M.Des / Holon Institute of Technology (HIT)
2017-2020, Holon
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design / B.F.A
Graduate of the Department of Jewelry and Fashion.
1995-1999, Jerusalem
Code for Israel Challenge Cycle 3.0.
UX design for: The bridges - digital transformation and technological development for the deepest Israeli challenges
Atid Plus for Education in Israel
Mentor for Girls Plus's advocacy program focusing on technology and entrepreneurship. Guiding teen girls in development of tech solutions for Technovation - the world's largest entrepreneurship competition.
November 22 - April 23, the Green Village Boarding School
Tool Box
Design Thinking
Wix platform
Miro/Mural Office
Hebrew - Native speaker
English - High level